In 2009, CdP created The Children’s Summer Program as a companion to the Food Security Program. It operates between May 15 and August 15 each year.


During that period of time, when school is not in session, families with school age children can receive a second monthly distribution of groceries: canned goods, staples, good sources of protein, and fruit and vegetables in season. This is specifically designed to address the increased needs of families during the times when children no longer have access to free/reduced cost school breakfast and lunch programs.


As over 70% of the students in Doña Ana County are eligible for subsidized meals through the local schools, (in some districts this number reaches 95%) the Children’s Summer Program fills an important niche in the lives of low-income families in our communities.


As the Las Cruces School District changed the school year to include several 2-week breaks, CdP modified and renamed the program to allow food distributions during those times.

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